Seng (Sheng) Chang
Site Host
Over the last 15 years, I served in the Youth, Children, and Missions ministries at Pontiac Hmong Alliance Church. Through serving in the local church, I started to desire to do more than just ministry within the church walls. I started to pray for opportunities to serve outside the church and God answered. In one instance, in 2012, I went on my first mission’s trip to Burma (Myanmar). During my time there, I discovered a love for the lost and unreached. I had the crazy idea to come back home, finish school, become a teacher, and work hard so I can travel across the world to share God’s love through teaching. However, God had different plans for me.Â
After leading a group to Envision Chicago in 2017 and another to Envision Cleveland in 2019, God opened my eyes to see the lost and unreached here in my neighboring cities. I didn’t know what God was doing then, but as I reflect on the work that God has been doing in my life over the years, I realize He was preparing me for an opportunity to just love my neighbor.Â
Being a part of Envision Cleveland is a huge step of faith for me, but I am excited to be a part of what God is already doing here in Cleveland. I look forward to connecting with the community, listening to the unheard stories, and simply loving people as God has loved me.